yefu blog

On ChatGPT

I've been seeing all these fancy AI projects for the last few months since ChatGPT came out. When I discovered ChatGPT back in December last year, I really thought that this could be a breakthrough.

I recently came to the conclusion that AI will serve no real purpose in the future. It will always rely on the data it was trained on, which is ideally an archive of the internet. Most of this data was initially produced by humans, but now we start to add low quality articles, comments etc. on top of it produced by AIs, so basically feeding back the output of an AI into another AI. Its like printing and copying a document over and over again until you can't really read the information on it anymore.

In the long run, AI supports my laziness on not learning new things since it will always yield a more accurate answer to my problem than I could ever come up with at this point of knowledge while just getting started on a topic, so why even try? There is almost no value in knowing basic things about RegEx anymore, people won't ask for help on this, they will just ask ChatGPT instead of asking you, although it would most likely have encouraged you on continuing learning RegEx.

Value added to the internet will most likely diminish in the next few years, its like a giant echo chamber where you're either too lazy to come up with new concepts or simply don't know how to do it on your own without using AI.